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Monday, January 17, 2011

16/365 America the Beautiful

Or at least a glimpse of our beauty.

The girls and I went to a local zoo yesterday, and these two beauties were there. They have eggs that they are keeping warm, so we weren’t able to stop…kinda had to do a quick walk through, so they wouldn’t be disturbed. The closest I’ve ever been to one, though.



Sunday, January 16, 2011

15/365 My Favorite Color

Even though Florida can be pretty dreary, it does have it’s pluses. These plants have amazing color,

as you can see. And, it so happens to be my favorite color! 20101206-PC063389 copy

Saturday, January 15, 2011

14/365 Stone Planter

This picture is in the works of becoming a canvas. I can’t wait!

 stone planter

Friday, January 14, 2011

13/365 Water Lily

Another shot taken at the botanical gardens. The variety there is just amazing! 20101206-PC063546 copy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

12/365 Holly Berries

I’m playing catch up, so bear with me please…I’ve had pictures to post, but I’ve been so busy with school, it’s crazy!!

This is another shot from the local botanical gardens. It was a dreary, cold day, so my ISO was cranked up to 1600,
but I think it worked out ok because I like the grain effect it made.

Holly Berry Tree

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I know, I know; this is really gross. But I can’t always take pictures of rainbows and butterflies can I?

Yucky Potatoes

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So my two year old has style. No doubt about it.

But when it was raining cats and dogs Monday, I forgot about her stylin’ rain boots.

She didn’t though.

As I was trying to put her tennis shoes on, she kept telling that she wanted her frog boots. I had NO clue what she was talking about.

She did though.

Frog boots

Monday, January 10, 2011


I caught this snap walking through a nearby botanical garden. I kind of had this flash of little trolls living in this tree. What do you think?

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

8/365—Winter In Florida

What an oxymoron my title is! Florida doesn’t have a real winter that you can speak of. Sure it get’s cold, but it’s not the same cold as you would have up north. It’s wet, and nasty, and then the next you know it, it’s 75 degrees again. Sure we have snow flurries once in a million years but it lasts 30 seconds and it’s you can count the flurries swirling in the air.
But spring. That’s a different story.
And summer? Hot mama!
But those will be showcased in due time.
For now, I’ll give you a peek of what winter looks like in Florida. And it’s not that pretty.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011


I didn’t think I was going to make it today, but I am! School is a lot more than I first anticipated…so it’s been kinda crazy round these parts today.

I recreated this shot after I saw it on an old message board I was on. It means a lot to me, and I plan on doing maybe a small canvas to hang in our home.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

6/365 She’s Got The Rainy Day Blues

Callie was wanting to go outside so badly to blow bubbles…only the rain wasn’t letting us. The little pouty face was just so precious!

Rainy Day Blues

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I started back to school today. Technically, yesterday, but those were just my online classes. Today I had to make the drive to fight the dreaded college punk drivers, then fight for a parking space. Then I had the pleasure of going to this class.

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And the other kicker to the class? The price of a used book.


I’m in the wrong business.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday & 4/365

This spaghetti stained face little girl? She’s a happy little girl, as you can see.
She loves her pony’s, has an imagination from I’m not quite sure where…..


and she has a 17 year old brother who loves her more than I think any 17 year old brother would.
See those pretty red fingernails? Tim painted them for her. I was thisclose to taking a picture of it,
but for some reason I didn’t think he would’ve though that was cool.
I’ll just tell the story instead.

And the pretty little shiner? Well, she’s loves to play Ring Around the Rosy…anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.
We were at my parent’s house Sunday to celebrate Christmas. She wanted to play ring around rosy…NOW….with my mom.
My mom wasn’t fully prepared.
Callie was ringing around my mom, and ran cheek first into the chair rail corner.
She hardly cried and she’s mighty proud of her boo-boo, as you can see.
Watch out boy’s! Callie’s a tough little cookie!
For more Wordless or Wordful Wednesday posts check out the links below.
Happy Hump Day!
ToBeThode Slice o Heaven

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We spent New Year’s day at a friends house, and I caught this sweet little picture of Callie. I love how peaceful it its!

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Monday, January 3, 2011


I don’t know if I’m cheating by posting more than one picture, but I kinda have to. Says me.

My grandparents have lived in the same house for 50+ years, and it happens to be be on a gorgeous lake, and about 7 miles from the back gates of Disney World…as the crow would fly.

One of the perks of being this close to Disney is that you get a free fireworks show…and a gorgeous view it is. The girls and I were down there Saturday night, and were able to witness the day after New Year’s fireworks spectacular. And a spectacular it was!

Since I wasn’t using a flash, had my ISO cranked up to 1600, and my exposure time was at 1/2 second, it took awhile for my camera to focus on what I wanted it too, so I ended up missing some of the really awesome fireworks, such as the hearts, cubes, and the 2011 they showed. I did happen to catch a smiley face, though, as you’ll see in picture number 4. The weather was perfect, and the lake was like glass.

The fireworks you will see off to the right is Epcot and MGM. We really do have the best seat in the house!




Sunday, January 2, 2011


Day one of many more to come. And how perfect this picture is to start off my new journey. I have a thing for ladybugs. I even have a small one tattooed on my ankle. It’s one creepy crawly bug that I would never squish.

I have always believed that they bring good luck.

And, with this little guy crawling around on Jeff’s hand New Years Day…I’m gonna say it’s gonna be a good year.

Here’s to 2011!


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About This Blog

I've decided to take the 365 Photo Challenge this year to help improve my photography skills, as well as helping to document memories. I am always open for critique. Welcome!

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